Frequently Asked Questions

These are among the most frequently asked questions we receive. And among the toughest to answer. That's because our response is based on many variables including: your current investments, projected income levels, additions to investments, spending level and more. To determine if you are on track, it makes sense to complete a Retirement Income Plan, which evaluates specific factors that are relevant to you and your family.
We cannot emphasize this point of distinction enough as well as its importance when it comes to selecting an advisor. Simply put, our registration and certification, by law, must place your interests first. Unlike financial advisors who are affiliated with specific investment firms, we are an independent, fee-only financial advisory firm. We do not sell specific financial products, or receive commissions, bonuses or incentives. Our independence ensures that our clients receive objective advice without any conflicts of interest. We are beholden only to our clients. Your needs come first. Additionally, we adhere to the CFP Board’s Code of Ethics & Professional Responsibility – principles include; Integrity, Objectivity, Competence, Fairness, Confidentiality, Professionalism, and Diligence. So, our goals are the same as yours.
We believe in highly personalized attention. You call, we respond. Simply put, as often as you need us. We believe in open, transparent and ongoing communication to make sure your investments continue to remain aligned with your goals and comfort level. Additionally, you receive a monthly statement from a third-party custodian. Along the way we will speak by phone or communicate by e-mail and in writing.
When we start working together we discuss your concerns, values, goals, time horizon, comfort level with account fluctuation, anticipated income levels, other investments and any other considerations that are relevant to your situation. From there we will have a snapshot of where you stand and will recommend and agree on how your account(s) will be managed. We will make our investment decisions based on that agreement. If you have any changes in circumstance during our relationship we would adjust your account(s) accordingly.
Of course. They will be furnished upon request.
Give us a call to set up a meeting. During that time we will hear about your specific situation and answer any questions you may have. We will then explain how we can go about addressing your needs and then discuss next steps.