
The Financial Advantages of Diversification

Change can be difficult to put into motion. We get used to our routines, our favorite take-out spot, a certain hairstyle. If we do something different, what if we don’t like the result?

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The Top 5 Retirement Planning Challenges to Avoid

Retirement is a brand-new journey, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. You are leaving behind the security and comfort of a steady paycheck and structured schedule and trading it for the unknown of finite resources and endless free time. It can be quite a shock to your system and may take a lot of time to adjust to a new way of life. You may be asking yourself if all your hard work will pay off.

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What to Do Before You Get Divorced

No one ever enters marriage expecting to get divorced. This can be one of life’s most difficult transitions and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Losing someone you once loved and breaking apart the life and family you built together with your partner can be an emotionally exhausting experience. But, like marriage, divorce is a legal event that requires a lot of thought and consideration, especially for your financial future. Consider these tips before you get divorced to help prepare you for this new phase of life.

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The Biggest Financial Mistakes I See

Having spent over 25 years in the financial services industry, I have worked with countless very different and very talented individuals. Despite my clients coming from all kinds of backgrounds and professions, they all seem to make the same mistakes. Let’s break down some of the biggest financial mistakes I see people make so you can avoid them.

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How We Watch Over Our Clients’ Money

If there is anything we learned in the last two years, it’s that nothing is certain. When the world is unstable, the market usually responds with volatility. While you can’t control the markets, you can control your response to market volatility. That’s where we come in. Here’s how we are watching over our clients’ finances and taking proactive steps to help manage their wealth.

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Top 6 Habits of Financially Successful People

What does being financially successful mean to you? While Warren Buffet says, “I measure success by how many people love me,”1 Jeff Bezos says that to be successful, “You must create more than you consume.”2 So although there’s no single definition of what it means to be financially successful, certain core behaviors and habits can help you get there. Let’s explore the top 6 habits of financially successful people to keep in mind as you’re working toward your own version of financial success.

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Do You Know the Benefits of Working With a Financial Advisor?

Did you know that one of the biggest “secrets” to achieving financial success is working with a financial advisor?1 Yes, it’s true. But there is a persistent misconception that financial advisors are only for wealthy people. In reality, advisors work with a broad range of clients, creating a path toward financial success by helping them avoid common financial mistakes.

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If Widowhood Happened Tomorrow, Would You Be Prepared?

Thinking about the potential death of a spouse is probably one of the most heart-wrenching and uncomfortable things to do. But do you know what’s even worse? Being caught unprepared as you wade through what feels like insurmountable grief. And considering the difference in life expectancies of men and women, widowhood is a possibility you need to take seriously.

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You’ve Inherited Money, Now What Should You Do?

Receiving an inheritance is something most of us only dream of. We imagine what we’d do with the windfall and how it could impact our future. But when it comes down to it, the news that an inheritance is actually coming your way is usually accompanied by conflicting emotions—everything from grief to shock to gratitude to confusion. Losing a loved one is hard, but inheriting money can be a blessing. An inheritance can improve your financial situation and offer peace of mind, and it can also remind you of your loved one’s legacy and how much they cared for you.

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How I Help Widows Create a Positive Financial Future

No one plans on the death of a spouse, but unfortunately, it is something that many of us will experience at some point in our lives. It can be truly devastating to lose a loved one, and during that time, it can be hard to talk about much of anything, let alone finances. That’s one of the reasons why I feel so passionate about helping widows create a positive financial future after the tragic loss of a spouse.

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