
How I Manage & Invest My Own Money

My clients always ask me how I manage my own money as if it’s a secret that I keep to myself. The thing about money management is that people often feel like no matter how much they learn about the latest techniques and trends, they’re never quite doing it right, that there’s always some better way to save or to invest.

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5 Unexpected Threats to Your Retirement Plan

In the midst of ever-present uncertainty, the last thing you want to feel unsure about is your retirement savings. Sure, market turmoil, a personal tragedy, or a natural disaster could affect your nest egg. But remember, these events are largely out of your control. The real dangers to your retirement plan are the little-known and often ignored threats that could cause you to lose what you have diligently worked for.

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How a Fee-Only Fiduciary Benefits You

You’ve worked long and hard to grow your wealth, so going at your financial plan solo may not be the best idea. After all, developing strategies and tools to do that can be both daunting and time-consuming—and we know you don’t need to put anything else on your plate. This is where enlisting the help of a financial advisor could make a world of difference.

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Peace of Mind Through Estate Planning

When was the last time you updated or reviewed your estate plan? Perhaps more importantly—do you have an estate plan that includes all the necessary documents and covers all your bases? If not, you’re not alone. In 2021, only 44% of adults aged 55 and older have an estate plan.1

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What We Do and How We Can Help

Your life is in constant motion. And, as your life situation changes, your goals may change or you may experience a transition that forces you to take action. Your financial plan should reflect your life. Financial planning is not a one-and-done deal but, rather, a long-term relationship that helps you take control of your future by providing ongoing support and advice.

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Get Started Now

Selecting a trusted financial partner to work with is one of the most important decisions you can make for your financial future. Whatever you hope to achieve, it’s our mission to simplify the complexities of your financial life so you can focus on what matters most.

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Snapshot Of An eMoney Client Portal

When you look at your overall financial picture, what do you see? Do you have a unified, strategic, and focused portfolio with every piece of the puzzle working together to get you to a specific goal? Or do you have a 401(k) here, an IRA there, a Brokerage Account somewhere else? Do you remember why you purchased certain products or opened particular accounts, or is your financial plan all over the place?

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The 5 Most Common Divorce Settlement Mistakes We See As Financial Advisors

Divorce is hard enough, but these 5 common divorce settlement mistakes can make it even harder. Read on to discover these common mistakes so you’re better prepared to avoid them and proceed more smoothly into your next stage of life.

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Do You Know Someone Who Needs Our Financial Guidance?

Life, even in a normal time, is full of change. Then we have a year like the one we just walked through! After months of our lives being turned upside down by COVID-19, change and uncertainty have become the norm. Some states and counties are still pretty locked down, while others have reopened. Some schools are open to in-person instruction, while others are providing distance learning. To say this is a stressful and confusing time is an understatement!

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Follow Me On Social Media!

Did you know my firm and I are on social media? We know that many of you probably prefer to get information from and interact with companies through social media, so we created our pages just for you!

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